Glossary - D

Data Centre

A facility that centralises an organisation's shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing and disseminating data and applications

Data Rate

The number of bits transmitted from one device to another or over a network per second. Data rates are usually expressed in bits per second or bytes per second.

Data Rate Per Square Meter - Drpsm

The required data per square area, depending on the different information consumers.

Data Security - DS

The practice of protecting digital information from unauthorised access, corruption, or theft throughout its entire lifecycle.

Data Volume - DV

The ability to efficiently store and process sizes of data stored natively and in object storage.

Direct Detection - DD

A communication system based on detecting modulated optical power (also referred to as the optical field intensity or simply the optical intensity).

Dense-Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing - DWDM

An optical fibre multiplexing technology that is used to increase the bandwidth of existing fibre networks. It combines data signals from different sources over a single pair of optical fibres while maintaining complete separation of the data streams.

Differential phase shift keying - DPSK

A common form of phase modulation that conveys data by changing the phase of the carrier wave.

Download Speed

The speed at which your internet connection is able to retrieve data from the internet.

Duplex Communication

A bidirectional communication system that allows both end nodes to send and receive communication data or signals, simultaneously and one at a time.


Glossary - E