Quantum Computing Gets £45 Million Jolt in the UK

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Quantum Computing UK Funding

The UK government recently announced a substantial £45 million investment in quantum computing, aiming to spur development of practical applications and establish a “quantum-enabled economy” by 2033. This funding signals a bold commitment to position the UK as a global hub for quantum breakthroughs that can revolutionise computing capabilities.

Of the total, £30 million is dedicated specifically to building advanced quantum computer prototypes and creating controlled testing environments allowing UK engineers and scientists to push boundaries in this field. An additional £15 million will launch real-world quantum pilot projects across public sectors like transportation and energy to solve complex problems.

In essence, the National Quantum Computing Centre funding will catalyse next-gen quantum hardware itself, while the Quantum Catalyst Fund supports exploring immediately useful cases. The investment represents a visionary nationwide push to unleash quantum's nearly limitless potential.

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The National Quantum Computing Centre recently announced seven winning organisations selected to advance in developing hardware prototypes for emerging quantum platforms. These trailblazers stood out from the competition for their progress working with "qubits" - the core building blocks underpinning quantum systems.

The chosen companies, spanning startups and established players, will now deploy their prototypes for traps-ion, superconducting, photonics and neutral atom quantum technologies at a dedicated national lab facility. By examining the differences across qubit physics, researchers aim to discern ideal approaches matched to varying problem types.

The select organisations granted exclusive national access are:

With labs set to go live in 2025, these quantum pioneers will drive breakthroughs harnessing the quirky physics of subatomic particles. Their race to develop performant prototypes promises to unlock unprecedented computational power to fuel innovation across sectors.

The national testbed competition creates an arena for the UK's top talent to push boundaries in this burgeoning field - and determine which qubit architectures could one day dominate quantum's unfolding future.

Science Minister, Andrew Griffith MP, said:

“As we steer towards an economy benefitting from quantum, this further £45 million in funding underscores our commitment to support bright UK innovators who are pushing boundaries and seizing the potential of this technology to transform our public services. Cutting-edge work on a quantum enabled brain scanner, which will be a beacon of hope for those battling neurological conditions, is just one example. The UK is already one global leader in quantum and to maintain that position this government will continue to invest in this transformational technology propelling the UK into a new era of technological prowess and economic growth.”

Quantum Pilots Target Public Challenges

A portion of the UK's national quantum investment also targets catalysing real-world solutions today through the Quantum Catalyst Fund. Managed jointly between innovation-oriented public bodies, the fund selected six companies to spearhead pilot quantum projects optimiSing vital sectors.

Winners chosen to pioneer explorations benefiting the public include:

  • Quantinuum - Applying simulations to advance chemistry breakthroughs

  • MoniRail - Improving railway navigation

  • Cerca Magnetics - Enabling next-gen brain condition imaging

  • Delta g - Mapping gravity for geoscience leaps

  • Q-CTRL - OptimiSing train schedules

  • Phasecraft - Increasing energy grid efficiency

These recipients prevailed from an extensive competitive process and will now co-develop prototypes leveraging quantum's exponential power. Phase 2 involves demonstrating quantum-enhanced proofs of concept in transportation efficiency, medical scans, energy, and other domains.

Backers describe this early support for real-world pilots as catalytic for cementing the UK's position in burgeoning quantum verticals - seeding both hardware foundations and a problem-solving ecosystem. With quantum milestones manifesting, officials emphasise that the future competitive advantages at stake justify these proactive investments today.

£2.5 Billion Quantum Plan Targets Economic Growth

The £45 million funding injection represents only the latest chapter in the UK's expanding national quantum strategy, backed by major capital commitments. Last March, the government devoted a striking £2.5 billion aimed at maturing quantum technologies over a dedicated 10-year timeframe starting 2024.

Quantum has been spotlighted among merely five “critical technologies” chosen under the UK’s Science and Technology Framework as holding immense economic significance. Designated critical tech areas qualify for proactive investment due to twin potentials - simultaneously fueling job growth in high-skill sectors while addressing weighty societal challenges.

Officials cite quantum's nearly unlimited problem-crunching prowess as key to check both boxes. With the global race now on in earnest to claim quantum leadership, the sweeping quantum investment plan cements the UK’s ambition to emerge as a dominant hub fostering hardware breakthroughs along with an end-to-end ecosystem.

By placing long-term strategic bets on nurturing quantum from R&D to commercial adoption, policymakers believe resulting innovations can actively reboot computing power across finance, sciences, data security, communications and beyond - touching countless public and private sectors while greatly expanding jobs.

Dr Michael Cuthbert, Director of the National Quantum Computing Centre, stated:

“My congratulations to the lead providers of our seven awarded quantum testbeds. Over the coming 15 months these prototype quantum computing platforms will be deployed into the newly established NQCC facility providing us with a valuable insight into the maturity, characteristics and capabilities available across a range of hardware architectures. This next phase of the NQCC will be one of huge promise establishing a unique state of the art facility with on-premises access to a range of qubit modalities at scale.”

Dr Kedar Pandya, Executive Director, Cross-Council Programmes at UKRI, stated:

“We are on the brink of a quantum technology revolution that is poised to transform diverse industries from the financial sector to healthcare, and UKRI is committed to ensuring the UK’s place at the forefront of this. We are providing our world-leading businesses and institutions the resources and tools needed to build a strong foundation in quantum computing with the potential to scale their activities for long-term competitive advantage. This investment will help our researchers and innovators develop the blueprint for quantum computing hardware and software and secure the UK’s place in this developing field.”

Professor Will Drury, Executive Director, Digital and Technologies at Innovate UK stated:

“Quantum technologies have the potential to meet some of the greatest challenges society faces. By unleashing computing power that goes far beyond existing digital technology, we can reach new frontiers in sensing, timing, imaging, and communications. This could be transformative for life in the UK and will create new, well-paid jobs that will boost our future economy.”

LiFi Tech News’ Opinion

The UK has clearly made developing a thriving quantum ecosystem a top priority with its massive funding and 10-year strategy. This presents a prime moment for LiFi companies, LiFi enthusiasts and LiFi professionals to complement these efforts by uniting strengths across both fields.

Specifically, LiFi's solid expertise in optimised optical wireless networks could aid the buildout of robust quantum communications infrastructure. As quantum systems emerge from labs needing to transmit complex data loads, LiFi can enable the secure, low-latency connectivity these platforms require.

With quantum poised to handle highly sensitive information across sectors like Defense and finance, LiFi providers can contribute vital and complementary data protection solutions.

The UK's substantial investments in national quantum prototype facilities also offer LiFi researchers an ideal testing ground. Jointly exploring how optical and quantum platforms might work in tandem could uncover impactful new use cases in areas from sensing to encryption and beyond.

In summary, the UK's quantum computing push sets the stage for mutually beneficial collaboration with LiFi industry trailblazers. By joining forces, from bolstering security to pioneering hybrid applications, LiFi stands to amplify its capabilities while securing an integral role as quantum transitions from theories to commercial adoption.

Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/unlocking-the-potential-of-quantum-45-million-investment-to-drive-breakthroughs-in-brain-scanners-navigation-systems-and-quantum-computing

Image credit to LiFi Tech News


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