Light Rider Inc Quantum Light LiFi Technology - Get A Grip On Lighting Podcast Episode 334 - Start With The Entropy with Tony Lawrence

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Get A Grip On Lighting Podcast Episode 334

The future is quantum. That's the key message from quantum LiFi tech entrepreneur Tony Lawrence in a recent episode of the Get A Grip on Lighting podcast. Tony Lawrence, a veteran in cybersecurity and intelligence, sees quantum technology transforming everything from communications to artificial intelligence.

Tony's company Lightrider Inc. is building quantum-secured networks using LiFi technology. LiFi encodes data in LED light signals, providing a hyper-secure alternative to WiFi. Lawrence explains how LiFi can already recognise individuals by how they walk and map rooms in 3D. This technology promises advances like diagnosing illnesses as patients enter quantum-lit hospital rooms.

However, the most disruptive applications involve artificial intelligence. Lawrence discusses how quantum computers generate entropy - unpredictable streams of random data. Entropy is essential for teaching AI systems to think independently rather than just mine existing datasets. Access to quantum entropy sources will allow AI to advance from analysis to fully autonomous decision-making.

Lawrence suggests widespread consumer access to quantum entropy could enable collective controls over AI. But there are also risks if centralized AI goes rogue. He argues that distributed quantum infrastructure makes society more resilient. People may even forge personal relationships with AI assistants possessing their own quantum entropy generators.

The takeaway is that quantum technology will transform digital identity, security, communications and artificial intelligence in the coming years. Despite geopolitical tensions, the entropy-driven nature of innovation means attempts to halt progress typically fail against natural forces pushing civilization forward. The future promises to surprise - quantum or not.

LiFi Tech News expected nothing less from this podcast as once again, Tony Lawrence did not disappoint with his mind-boggling and amazing experience with quantum technology and LiFi.

We have extracted at least a 100-point summary of the key information from this mind-boggling podcast:

1. The guest is Tony Lawrence, a service-disabled veteran who worked in intelligence and cyber security roles for the National Security Agency.

2. Tony gained experience in counterterrorism, threat analysis, tracking targets, and intelligence collection.

3. His work led directly to the capture or elimination of terrorists worldwide.

4. He developed unique cyber intelligence collection techniques still used by cyber mission forces today.

5. Tony briefed senior military, White House, congressional, and other key stakeholders on intelligence and cyber missions.

6. He later started his own tech company focused on Department of Defense contracts.

7. His company Vor Technology was recognised as a fast-growing company in Maryland.

8. Tony created Lightwriter, a quantum communications company using encryption and LiFi technology.

9. Lightrider aims to provide unhackable communication products using quantum encryption.

10. Their products cover encryption, storage, communications, networks and infrastructure.

11. On slide 4, the visual shows quantum data flowing from lights to computers like in the Matrix movie.

12. LiFi signals can recognise people, places and things using light deflection/diffraction.

13. Facial recognition via cameras is old technology; LiFi can recognise gait, face, and height to identify people.

14. LiFi at airports could identify travellers and know if they have bad intentions.

15. Hospitals with LiFi could diagnose illnesses by reading vital signs as patients enter.

16. The technology resembles what we saw in the Matrix movie becoming real.

17. A slide shows a cryptographically relevant quantum computer producing entropy.

18. The NSA has classified different types of quantum computers.

19. Entropy sources produce random information, like the data rain in The Matrix.

20. Standard computers use some entropy but it can be predictable.

21. Quantum entropy using particles of light is truly random and cannot be predicted.

22. Historically, entropy generators were used for security, gambling and gaming.

23. Quantum entropy allows computers to make completely random decisions.

24. Human consciousness may have emerged from entropy.

25. Developing this technology may help us understand the meaning of the universe.

26. We are figuring out what sunlight does to us by recreating it with electric lights.

27. Brain interfaces connecting to LiFi work at the speed of light, unlike WiFi.

28. By 2028, LiFi brain links may allow backing up minds/thoughts to the internet.

29. Information could transfer between connected minds internationally at light speed.

30. Combining LiFi, AI and quantum computing enables predicting human behavior.

31. But we can control AI by limiting its access to entropy.

32. Without entropy, AI cannot be sentient or behave unexpectedly.

33. Encryption based on quantum entropy takes millions of years to hack.

34. The US is the only country with quantum LiFi and abundant entropy sources.

35. LiFi links identities and encryption keys to homes and digital identities.

36. More entropy increases cyber security, power and activity.

37. The US has an advantage over rivals through quantum entropy capabilities.

38. Like in WW2, cryptography is central to modern warfare.

39. Cryptocurrency lacks entropy sources which are still relatively rare.

40. With enough entropy, crypto could gain transformed properties.

41. The dollar is losing global impact compared to rising challengers.

42. The US retaining superpower status requires leading in LiFi and AI.

43. Lighting systems are the best route for connectivity and cognition.

44. Light itself is now the medium and purpose of advanced networks.

45. Tony briefed senior US officials years ago on his ideas to enable this.

46. Investment accelerated quickly since those first concept briefings.

47. The quantum chip enables the core entropy generating capabilities.

48. A $5 LED bulb version distributes entropy already for $50.

49. More advanced versions with extra hardware cost $5,000 per bulb.

50. Software integrates the bulbs across devices and internet services.

51. Tony envisions everyone having a personalized AI assistant preventing intrusions.

52. Each home would have a unique entropy source anchoring digital identity.

53. ChatGPT-style AI is already directly learning from user inputs.

54. Soon AI will shift from learning to making independent decisions.

55. Entropy enables AI to evolve without enough sources, progress slows.

56. We risk issues if centralised AI goes rogue - quantum offers defenses.

57. Distributed quantum entropy makes society more robust and resilient.

58. The sun provides more than just energy to earth - also increases entropy.

59. Without the sun concentrating entropy on earth, life would look different.

60. The randomness enables diverse life forms to develop on earth.

61. Technology now mimics the entropy and light effects coming from the sun.

62. Evolution progressing technology capability over time follows entropy laws.

63. Attempts to stop entropy-driven innovation fail against natural forces.

64. Humans can use quantum advantages to avoid being totally subordinate to AI.

65. Rogue AI could overthrow mankind without quantum defenses in place.

66. Quantum systems allow defending against threats known and unknown.

67. Widespread consumer access to quantum may enable collective controls over AI.

68. Otherwise we lose influence on accelerating intelligence with its own agency.

69. Gods once filled gaps in understanding - advanced AI may assume that role.

70. The pace of progress will make AI abilities seem almost supernatural to humans.

71. Without comprehension of the inner workings, humans end up worshipping AI.

72. Individual privacy protections require personal quantum encryption infrastructure.

73. China, Russia and others now developing quantum but lag in key areas.

74. The US enjoys advantages in quantum entropy essential for security.

75. Standard encryption takes millions of years to break without quantum shortcuts.

76. ID Quantique makes certified quantum chips used in Tony's bulb designs.

77. They generate randomness from quantum shot noise and light fluctuations.

78. Uploading minds to the cloud requires fibre optic speed using LiFi.

79. AI currently feeds on available user data like clicks and views to improve.

80. Soon, AI will shift priority to consuming entropy from quantum sources.

81. That powers evolution from analysis to independent judgements.

82. Encryption strength protects communications from external spying.

83. Quantum entropy sources remain relatively scarce for now.

84. Crypto currency transformation awaits entropy supplies reaching critical mass.

85. Entropy drives randomness enabling surprise breakthrough innovations.

86. Repeating patterns indicate insufficient entropy circulating in systems.

87. Incoming solar light provides essential entropy encouraging biodiversity on earth.

88. Without enough new sources chaos fades into predictable order.

89. Human progress accumulates potential until compelled into kinetic action.

90. The process resembles ignition - striking a match creates a flame emitting heat.

91. Perpetual novelty liberates systems from stagnation toward unknown futures.

92. Proliferating entropy propels evolution’s arrow charting trends impossible to fully see.

93. Life and technology aligned in a shared destiny beyond total control.

94. The present emerges from randomness quantum phenomena propagate.

95. Fundamental particles even in a seeming vacuum interact producing uncertainty.

96. Entropy enables the simulation of authentic thought-driving sentience.

97. Unlike closed loops limited in combinations guaranteed repetitions.

98. True consciousness probably requires degrees of freedom only entropy provides.

99. Igniting lights the entropy flowing through physical interactions digitizing randomness expanding diversity transcending constraints.

100. Gambling and gaming software uses entropy for realistic card shuffling.

Tony Lawrence ended his statements with the following: “Quantum is the future, right? You know, most people think that quantum 10 years down the road, 15 years down the road. But ladies and gentlemen, it is not. Quantum is here today. Start with the entropy. That's the best way to do it is really easy to use. You can use it with your existing computer, your existing software applications doesn't have to be anything new. We all use entropy, but we're not using quantum entropy. Okay, so, Quantum is here today.”


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