LiFi Lighting the Way for Secure Wireless Media in the Military: BFBS and Consolite Partner on New Comms Tech

Image credit to BFBS and Consolite

BFBS Media Innovation and Consolite

BFBS Media Innovation and Consolite have partnered to test a new wireless technology for delivering media content to military personnel. BFBS provides video, audio, and digital content through its MiPlayer platform, which is typically delivered over Wi-Fi networks. However, in some military environments, Wi-Fi is prohibited due to security concerns about radio frequency (RF) emissions that could reveal troop locations.

Consolite has developed LiFi technology that encodes data into pulses of light, offering a wireless alternative without RF emissions. In recent testing, BFBS streamed media content to devices via Consolite's LiFi hardware to evaluate its capabilities for high data loads like video streaming. The tests also examined the reliability and practicality of using visible light communication to deliver digital services to troops in the field.

The partners aim to provide military users with wireless freedom to access media on personal devices, while addressing security needs. Early results indicate LiFi could enable that balance, allowing personnel to conveniently enjoy online services without compromising operations. Further testing will refine the technology's deployment potential to support modern media consumption in sensitive defense settings.

Nick Beer, Director of Development and Strategy at BFBS said: “This project came about through a combination of strategic development and coincidence! Consolite’s CEO, Nick Rice, and I met when we were on booths opposite each other at the Combined Naval Event in Farnborough and it only needed a short conversation to confirm we both had the same ideas of the utility of LiFi for our platform. I am delighted with the results and convinced of the utility of LiFi for delivery applications in defence – particularly at sea – and other verticals.”

Nick Rice, CEO of Consolite, stated: “We are delighted to support BFBS with its long heritage of providing information and entertainment to our nation’s forces. LiFi is a perfect carrier for the amount of data needed for modern Infotainment.

We imagine a future on Royal Navy ships where crews have access to downloaded and streamed content, similar to that which they experience at home. We hope this provides more comfortable downtime, happier crews, smoother running of the ship and better retention.

Our focus at Consolite is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our serving men and women. Lighting and data provided by light is a day-to-day necessity for all of us and even more so in the tough environment at sea. Our enduring gratitude goes out to all member of the Armed Forces for their continued bravery and service.”

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Credit to Consolite Technology


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